Youth Forum 2023 Programme

  • Day 1

    06 May 2023, Saturday

  • 09:40 - 10:15

  • 10:45 - 12:00

  • 13:10 - 14:45
    Key takeaways: Gain an appreciation for futures thinking tools in systematically envisioning possible and preferred futures of rapidly urbanising ASEAN. Apply axes of uncertainty to identify sustainability challenges and opportunities in the fastest-growing ASEAN cities, that might emerge in the future. Build possible scenarios to describe how ASEAN cities might develop, and the pathways they might take to get there Identify key areas for change that youth should lead in order to arrive at a preferred future.

  • 13:10 - 14:45
    Key takeaways: Understand the complexity of challenges in negotiating for competing national interests and SDGs, even if everyone is aiming to do good Experience first-hand how multilateral collaboration is often necessary to achieve any wins in such an interdependent region Articulate current and future challenges in regional cooperation with real-life anecdotes.

  • 15:15 - 16:30
    What are some of the challenges you have experienced in your sector when collaborating towards the SDGs, and how did you overcome them? How has the landscape of regional cooperation in ASEAN changed in your sector in recent years? What should youths do to build influence and social capital as sustainability leaders?

  • Day 2

    07 May 2023, Sunday

  • 09:40 - 11:00
    The panel discussion aims to assist the youth understand the gaps in current health distribution systems, and how service innovations can fill those gaps in ASEAN. As health is often associated with expensive medical and technological innovation, this panel discussion will focus on service innovation as a more accessible domain for youth. Learning from a mix of newer disruptors and more established solution providers, youth will be able to understand their potential roles in such innovative businesses and perceive how their solutions can improve health service delivery not just in their home country, but throughout the region.

  • 09:40 - 11:00
    We hope for this panel discussion to bring attention to solutions at the forefront of decarbonisation. This includes solutions that are not yet seen as economically viable at scale, such as carbon capture. By capturing the imagination of participants in envisioning how such solutions might develop, and enlightening them on the current obstacles holding back such solutions, youth will be better equipped to weigh the pros and cons of such technology, as opposed to more familiar forms of decarbonisation. This session also aims to introduce participants to the idea of carbon negativity, encouraging them to form their own opinion on whether it is a realistic target, and what youth can do to help us get there.

It's time to think differently.

Learn more about sustainability. Get inspired by your peers. We look forward to co-creating a better future with you.